Friday, February 4, 2011

Of Snow Days, Mean Girls, and Friendships

I'm sure in my new "gratitude attitude" blog (sorry, I had to) that I should find something beautiful in the snow. I should probably appreciate the crisp cold air and how the cold weather kills off all the bad things in nature. I should notice the incredible beauty of the contrast in color as the redbird lands on my windowsill. I should write about finding the joy in being a kid again as I sneak outside to catch snowflakes on my tongue. However, as I sit snowed in for the 4th day in a row watching more snow fall from the sky I realize I'm over it. Done. I've baked, made snow cream, had snowball fights, and tried (unsuccessfully) to build a snowman. I've snuggled in front of the fire and emptied my DVR. I've lived in my PJ's and gone without makeup all week. I've made every soup and chili known to man....I would like an occasion where I have to chew my food, not sip it. Now I want sunshine, beaches, flip flops and a reason to wear sunglasses other than to stop the blinding reflection from all of the white around me. Is that so much to ask?  I didn't think so either. So, for all of you who are doing snow dances out there...stop. Seriously, it's not funny anymore.

End whiney sesssion... now!

Halle had a friend over yesterday to play. I knew she would go crazy without someone to play with. Abby was driving her sister nuts at their house, and I needed someone to distract Halle while I did a little homework. A sleepover seemed to be the answer. Two Three birds with one stone. As I watched them run around the house playing and listened to them giggle, I realized how much I hope she grows up realizing the importance of having great friends. I watch her and realize that she's just approaching that age when sweet, loving, little girls become mean girls. This terrifies me. I remember too well those days when cliques form, priorities shift, and the importance of being kind is suddenly overshaddowed by the need to cut one another with a snide remark to make them feel as bad as we do. For this reason, little girls frighten me... and because I was one once.

In my life, I've been blessed with the best friends and family... and friends who are very much like family and family who are some of my closest friends. I can't imagine my life without them. We love unconditionally, laugh until our bellies ache, cry, together, pray together and trust one another implicitly... you can't put a price tag on that. Today, and every day I am thankful for these people....more thankful than I can ever express in words!

Halle, I know that life's gonna seem horrible at times. You're gonna feel confused and angry and sad for reasons you don't even understand. Your heart is gonna be broken by boys, and by people whom you consider to be your friends. You won't be invited to every sleepover and birthday party you think you should be. Your feelings are going to be hurt, and you're going to hurt the feelings of others. As smart and athletic as you are, you won't always be the best and your friends might achieve more than you do. I pray that through everything you realize that these are petty, temporal things. No amount of gossip, backbiting or de-friending will make these things better. Hold on to the people you love and cherish your moments with them. Although these "silly" things seem life altering right now, in the grand scheme of things they aren't that important. When your heart aches and when you're at the end of your rope you're gonna need people to love you unconditionally and listen to you cry. You're gonna need friends who help you unwind with a night of chick flicks and laughter. I wish we could always be those people you'll turn to in those times, but I know better. I pray your heart is never in search for someone to confide in, and that on your wedding day and at the birth of your children you're surrounded by amazing, true friends. (and of course your family who loves you more than you could ever imagine too!)

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