Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Camp Amberama: Make your own Ugly Doll

H loves to create things. She's constantly in our art loft making bookmarks, drawing pictures or creating various pieces of art in her little space. She loves the idea of taking "blank canvases" and making them into something interesting or creative. I have to admit, I love that about her. During a cloudy afternoon last week, we declared it Art Day and made our own Ugly Dolls.

If you don't know what Ugly Dolls are, they're these little fuzzy felt dolls that are, well... ugly. H has several of them and loves them. Given that neither of us has any real sewing skills, (I can hand stitch, but I'm clueless with a machine) I thought that we could make our own. The uglier, the better and cuter.... and our lack of ability could only be in our favor. They turned out pretty cute. I must say, I was very proud of H's sewing skills. I showed her the stitches to make, and she sewed them like a pro. Not bad work at all...especially for a 9 year old first timer!

The best part of these dolls is that they're made from pants legs. We repurposed old jeans from Goodwill into the body of these dolls. The two sturdy side seams helped with the construction. The pockets add extra decoration to the face. The only other things added were scraps of ribbon and extra buttons! We loved this project!

H with one of her "real" ugly dolls. The next pic shows the opposite side of it.

silly girl

Jeans from Goodwill. I like to think we did someone a service by making these jeans impossible to wear! Yikes!

Ribbon and Buttons

hard at work

the face of my doll is finally coming together

getting the hang of it

this is serious business

the finished product. H's is a dog and mine is a lion.

Horrible pic of me, but here's the final product of us and our dolls!

Camp Amberama: Summer Science fun!

I have a confession: I love science experiments. Ever since I was a kid and wanted to be an astronaut, I loved them. I remember getting a microscope kit for Christmas when I was H's age, and spending hours looking at the slides and pretending to create various life changing concoctions. My discoveries were going to change the world, and as a famous astronaut, I would eventually be awarded some incredible prize for my efforts and research. However, all that changed when I purchased the "Big Book Of Space" in the 4th grade and one particular illustration indicated that as an astronaut, I would have to "go potty" in a plastic bag. I didn't think I could handle that. Also, it made me realize my fear of going upside down, and if I was afraid of the spinny thing on the space camp commercials I saw during Double Dare, I most likely couldn't be counted on not to panic when I was launched in space. End of my first career aspiration.



Cut to present day. Although I no longer have dreams of being the first chubby girl in space, I still love to do experiments.... especially those that explode or make a mess. I'm just lucky that my chosen career (or the career plan that stuck) gives me a good excuse to try them out. This week's experiment consisted of exploding Diet Soda.  Simply drop 7 mentos into Diet soda all at once and watch the geyser happen! (get out of the way QUICKLY when you drop them, it shoots up fast! You can get a cheap device to help you with the launch. I got mine for 5.00 at hobby lobby)  Super fun!

Camp Amberama: Blueberry Pickin!

Earlier this month, I noticed a few facebook friends posting pictures from various blueberry farms. I immediately knew that H and I had to go do this soon. She loves to plant things, and she's become obsessed with harvesting items from a garden. Although I have one small tomato plant, the little bit it produces isn't as entertaining for H as she wants it to be. She has dreams of "walking outside and picking her own ingredients for lunch." (To be honest, I do too....but I fear that I'm pushing it with this one tomato plant. I'm taking it slowly. Maybe next year we'll get a pepper plant...maybe. One step at a time.)

Anyway, back to the blueberries.

We went to the Sta-N-Step farms in tontitown, and had a blast. We quickly got our buckets and started picking. The place is beautiful and quite peaceful, and the owners are super friendly. The cost is 12.00 per gallon of blueberries and 2.50 per pint of raspberries.

She's just a LITTLE excited

Determined to fill the whole bucket. We ended up combining them to get our one gallon!

having fun!

almost there!

such a pretty day!

raspberry pickin'

her very perfect raspberry

our haul: a gallon of blueberries and 2 pints of raspberries
Such a great day! We came home, washed the berries and headed to the pool while they dried out a bit. We made yummy blueberry muffins and blueberry cobbler for Father's Day. The recipes for the muffins and the cobbler  are here if you're interested in them. I highly recommend both of them! Yummy!

Happy Summer!

Of "see ya laters"

So this summer, we only have H every other week. I'm not gonna lie, this is a huge adjustment for all of us since we're used to her being here most of the time. Yes, I cried when she left Monday, and my house is waaaaay too quiet, (although every parent needs a break from the Disney Channel every once in a while...whew!) but we've made a conscious effort to really appreciate every second we have with her this summer, and not worry so much about the "see ya laters" that come at the end of the week. It's better that way right?

That being said, we had a fabulous week with her last week. By mid week, Jerry dubbed the house "camp Amberama" and at bedtime H was asking what was "on the agenda" for the next day. (seriously, she used those words) We had a blast last week: trips to the pool, crafts, blueberry picking, sleepovers, and lots of giggles and fun memories in between. I knew a year ago my life would change, but I never knew it could be this good. After all, I love kids, but before Jerry came along I had basically convinced myself I would be ok without ever having one. H is just another example of God knowing the true desires of my heart, and fulfilling them without my even asking. No, she's not my "biological child," but I'm certainly thankful for her all the same, and very proud to be her stepmom!

I've got lots of catching up to do on this blog... stay tuned for many many posts today!


Friday, June 10, 2011

Of lazy days and zero productivity

So day one of my first summer vacation in 4 years, and my house is messy. There are loads of laundry to be done,  closets to be organized, and clothes to be donated. I could work out, start one of the many many craft projects I've been meaning to start, or read a book. There are many, many things on my "todo" list. So, you may be wondering what I've chosen to do with this first day of freedom? The answer is.........

Seriously, this has been the most unproductive day I've had in a looong time. Do I feel guilty about it? Not a bit. I kind of feel like I deserve to get to relish in this for a moment, or an entire day if I want to. Actually, I have done a few things:

1. brushed my teeth
2. washed my face
3. watered my plants
4. ate lunch
5. watched RHNYC
6. tried to figure out pinterest
7.  walked the dog (to the end of the driveway so she could, you know)

See? I have been busy. Don't you feel guilty for judging me?

The other part of my day has been tweeting this video to everyone I know trying to get it some exposure. These are 4th graders at Bayyari Elementary here in Springdale. They're performing Beyonce's "Move Your Body" as part of Michelle Obama's Move It campaign. I had the opportunity to sub in their classes several times this year, and I just love these kiddos! They did such an excellent job, and they deserve some positive recognition. Please enjoy and share if you want.


See in the process of this blog, I've added 2 more things to the list:
8. Blogged
9.  Bayyari Video campaign

Maybe I'll make a real todo list for the summer while I'm sitting here. Then again, maybe not. General Hospital starts in 58 minutes.

Daily Gratitude

Today I am thankful for a day of rest. For the freedom to take a few moments day to do nothing and recoup from all the stresses and worries I've gone through. I'm very aware that there are many people who aren't afforded this simple pleasure, that there are single parents who never get a moment off, there are military spouses who are playing the roles of mom and dad for whom these times are few and far between, and there are those who have to work much more than I do just to make ends meet. There are students like me who are still working hard to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel, and many others in situations I haven't mentioned.  Although today's post has been a silly one, I'm thankful for this time, and I'm reminded of the respect I have for those who thrive in these non-stop situations.

Happy first day of summer break!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Of the finish line & those who helped me get there...

Why I ever thought I could consistently blog during my last semester of classes is beyond me. Since my last post, my life has been so overwhelmingly busy that I literally had to remind myself to breathe. Since Valentine’s Day, my courseload has multiplied and my personal obligations have grown right along with it. How I ever slept, I’ll never know. Which brings me to today….
Tonight is my last night of classes at JBU. In fact, I have a final tonight for which I should be studying. Naturally, I’m distracted. I can’t stop thinking about my journey and how incredibly grateful I am, not only to be finished but for every second of this experience. There have been many lessons to learn, many papers to write, and more sleepless nights than I can count, but through it all there is MUCH to be thankful for.
In 2006 when I decided to leave my career to be a full-time student, I had no idea what the journey would bring. I knew I was excited about the possibilities, nervous about the financial aspect, and more than a little afraid that I would fail. I didn’t have a few classes to finish, I was starting from the beginning. Again. This was a long term deal.  Yes, the hours were long, the classes were difficult, and I hated the financial anxiety that came along with it at times, but I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything in the world.  The friendships, experience, strength and determination I’ve gained in the process absolutely outweighed the temporary “road blocks” that I faced along the way. Even without the degree, it was worth it.
To my parents: Thank you for believing in me, and for supporting me through this journey even though it seemed like a crazy idea at the time. Thank you for not telling me that it would be better to stay in my comfort zone and enjoy the life that I had. Thank you for giving me the freedom to challenge myself and for reminding me to breathe. Thank you for being my strength as I rebuilt my life not once, but twice and for never giving up on me. Thank you for being my biggest cheerleaders and for the amazing examples you are.  I love you.
To My Sweet Husband: I’ve always said this, but God knew I needed you and he knew exactly when I needed you in my life. It is no coincidence that you FINALLY asked me out just before I started this program. God knew that I couldn’t have made it without you. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for making me laugh when I was stressed and for never ever doubting me. Thank you for providing a quiet place to study, and for taking on more than your share of the workload in our home when I couldn’t do it. Thank you for never once making me feel guilty about not being able to do it all. Thank you for being my helper and my best friend. Thank you for your words of support and the encouragement that you always gave me at exactly the right time.  Thank you for being my sounding board….for the countless hours of listening to me vent, worry, stress, and cry over my frustrations with the program and myself. I can never thank you enough for the blessing you are to me every day, and I’ll never be able to thank God enough for giving me the privilege of loving you.

To Halle:  Thank you for your smile and sweet hugs that made my days better. Thank you for the sacrifices you made this year, and for understanding why I couldn't be at every school play, softball game, or awards assembly. Thank you for your sweet notes of encouragement and the silliness that reminded me to laugh every once in a while. Thank you for somehow having wisdom beyond your years to know exactly what to say when I needed to hear it. I am so blessed to be your stepmom. I couldn't imagine my life without you in it! Love love love you!
To My Friends and Family: Thank you for understanding when I couldn’t be at everything. Thank you for understanding when I had to focus on myself instead of being the friend I wanted to be. Thank you for the nights of laughter and silliness that gave me the necessary break from my school stresses when I needed it most. Thank you for listening to my mind-numbing school stories and for giving me pity laughs even when they weren’t funny. Most of all, thank you for your prayers and support!
To My Cohort Family: My goodness, we’ve been through a lot: Marriages, babies, illness, personal drama, wonderful instructors, The Chronicles of Narnia, frustrating instructors, and all things catty-wompus. (for you Audrey!) It’s cliché to say it, but through 2 years of Thursday nights together, you have definitely been more like family than classmates. Thank you for being such great friends and for not laughing (much) when I had to color coordinate my manipulatives and marker choices. Most of all, thank you for making what was at times an unbearable and exhausting program a memorable and fun one because of the fabulous people I was placed with. Love you all!
Most of all thank God for giving me guts to begin this journey, and the strength to finish. Thank you for your renewal when my spirit was weak, and for your precious peace to know that I was doing the right thing. Thank you for showing me through this program and through everything that you are in control of even the smallest details, and I don’t have to fix everything. Thank you for the passion you’ve given me for children and for the desire to see even the most hopeless of them become successful. Thank you for every experience, every trial and every tear. Thank you for the benefit of reflection and the ability to see the journey and that you’ve never left me for a single step of it. Thank you for placing the perfect people in my life to support me and for the blessing of laughter and music. Thank you for doctors and modern medicine that helped me to understand myself and why I struggled for so long to be successful in my education. Most of all thank you for reminding me again and again that your plans are perfect, and that you are the provider for all of my needs, even without my help.
I’m super emotional today, and with good reason. I am blessed. This moment doesn’t quite seem real to me yet. I keep waiting for someone from JBU to email and say “oh you know that one class…well you failed it.” Or “we forgot to tell you, but you should’ve taken Botany 110 in your 1st year.” The pessimist in me says not to celebrate, but I can’t help it.  This part of the journey is over, and it was definitely worth it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Of love and second chances....

Around this time last year, Jerry and I had been dating for five months, but it felt like we had always been together. We had already planned our future together, and we knew we would be married eventually. Yes, five months is quite a short time, but at our ages we didn't think there was much point in waiting for the sake of a timeline. We had even looked at rings, (which was MUCH more nerve-racking than I ever imagined.) and visited chapels one Saturday. So naturally, when Valentine's Day rolled around, my mind was set on marriage.....and getting a ring.

I tried to reason with myself to get it out of my mind. He hadn't had enough time to get the ring, ask my Dad and tell the kids. He wouldn't do this on Valentine's Day, that's not his style. I told myself that it wasn't going to happen, but no matter how many conversations I had with myself, I could not get the possibility out of my mind that very very soon I would be getting a ring.

Now let me interject here: I was a very independent single woman for seven years. I had endured Valentine's Days as a single person, and while in a relationship as well. I thought I had learned to take these things in stride. It was just another day, and I was grateful for all the love in my life everyday....relationship or none. I had been very level-headed about most things.... until Jerry came along. Then all this went down the proverbial toilet. I became one of those mushy-gushy lovey-dovey types who inundated my Facebook friends with statuses about how wonderful my boyfriend was and posted kissy face pictures with silly captions. I used his name at least 75 times by noon every day. I found reasons to talk about him, I thought about him constantly. I doodled our names together. Yep, I was that girl...

So naturally, when Jerry took me to a fabulous restaraunt for our Valentine's dinner, I was on alert. This was the night. I got a manicure. (so I could show off the ring) I made sure my hair and make-up were perfect. When we were seated in a romantic little booth, my suspicions and excitement grew. I watched to see if the waiters treated us differently. I became "that" girl in the movies who casually poked around every dinner roll and looked in my drink every five minutes. I tried to be casual, but I'm sure it showed. Thank goodness Jerry didn't trip, or bend down to tie his shoe. I'm certain I would have shouted "Yes, I'll marry you!!" before I realized that he wasn't proposing. He didn't propose on Valentine's Day. I wasn't disappointed... but even more anxious over the next month until he did actually ask me. Little did I know that he had already bought the ring, and was planning everything already. I just had to be patient... just like I had to be patient for God to let me fall in love with him.

What a difference a year makes! Today, I woke up to Valentine's surprises from my HUSBAND. I'm running errands for our lovey-dovey family dinner, and I'm hurrying to finish this blog before I have to go sit in the car rider line to pick up Halle. My life is SO incredibly different, but it's so incredibly wonderful. I wouldn't have changed the day or the way he proposed for anything...with both kids present and Halle's sign that said "SAY YES!!" Everything was perfect... all the way that God planned it.

Today and every day I'm thankful for the love of an amazing, godly man who loves me unconditionally. I'm thankful for the pure joy that he brings into my life daily, and for the countless times per day that he makes me laugh until my tummy hurts. I'm thankful for his ears that listen when I complain and when I have silly stories to tell, and for his heart that understands me more than I thought was ever possible. I'm thankful for good morning concerts and silly songs he sings to me every morning, and that I never have to wake up alone again. I'm thankful for the husband he is, the son he is and the unbelievable Father that he is. I'm thankful for the kindness in his eyes, and the fact that he's probably tearing up reading this now. I'm thankful for his hands that hold me, and reassure me when my world is uncertain. Most of all, I'm thankful that I've been privilege to fall in love and marry my very best friend. I'm so grateful that God gives us the benefit of second chances, and that he knows the desires of our hearts before we ever do...he certainly knew exactly what I needed, exactly who I needed, exactly when I needed it.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Of Snow Days, Mean Girls, and Friendships

I'm sure in my new "gratitude attitude" blog (sorry, I had to) that I should find something beautiful in the snow. I should probably appreciate the crisp cold air and how the cold weather kills off all the bad things in nature. I should notice the incredible beauty of the contrast in color as the redbird lands on my windowsill. I should write about finding the joy in being a kid again as I sneak outside to catch snowflakes on my tongue. However, as I sit snowed in for the 4th day in a row watching more snow fall from the sky I realize I'm over it. Done. I've baked, made snow cream, had snowball fights, and tried (unsuccessfully) to build a snowman. I've snuggled in front of the fire and emptied my DVR. I've lived in my PJ's and gone without makeup all week. I've made every soup and chili known to man....I would like an occasion where I have to chew my food, not sip it. Now I want sunshine, beaches, flip flops and a reason to wear sunglasses other than to stop the blinding reflection from all of the white around me. Is that so much to ask?  I didn't think so either. So, for all of you who are doing snow dances out there...stop. Seriously, it's not funny anymore.

End whiney sesssion... now!

Halle had a friend over yesterday to play. I knew she would go crazy without someone to play with. Abby was driving her sister nuts at their house, and I needed someone to distract Halle while I did a little homework. A sleepover seemed to be the answer. Two Three birds with one stone. As I watched them run around the house playing and listened to them giggle, I realized how much I hope she grows up realizing the importance of having great friends. I watch her and realize that she's just approaching that age when sweet, loving, little girls become mean girls. This terrifies me. I remember too well those days when cliques form, priorities shift, and the importance of being kind is suddenly overshaddowed by the need to cut one another with a snide remark to make them feel as bad as we do. For this reason, little girls frighten me... and because I was one once.

In my life, I've been blessed with the best friends and family... and friends who are very much like family and family who are some of my closest friends. I can't imagine my life without them. We love unconditionally, laugh until our bellies ache, cry, together, pray together and trust one another implicitly... you can't put a price tag on that. Today, and every day I am thankful for these people....more thankful than I can ever express in words!

Halle, I know that life's gonna seem horrible at times. You're gonna feel confused and angry and sad for reasons you don't even understand. Your heart is gonna be broken by boys, and by people whom you consider to be your friends. You won't be invited to every sleepover and birthday party you think you should be. Your feelings are going to be hurt, and you're going to hurt the feelings of others. As smart and athletic as you are, you won't always be the best and your friends might achieve more than you do. I pray that through everything you realize that these are petty, temporal things. No amount of gossip, backbiting or de-friending will make these things better. Hold on to the people you love and cherish your moments with them. Although these "silly" things seem life altering right now, in the grand scheme of things they aren't that important. When your heart aches and when you're at the end of your rope you're gonna need people to love you unconditionally and listen to you cry. You're gonna need friends who help you unwind with a night of chick flicks and laughter. I wish we could always be those people you'll turn to in those times, but I know better. I pray your heart is never in search for someone to confide in, and that on your wedding day and at the birth of your children you're surrounded by amazing, true friends. (and of course your family who loves you more than you could ever imagine too!)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Beginning again

For years, I blogged religiously and loved it. I even had a few followers who endured my endless rants on the silliness of my life and the oddities of pop culture and reality television. (God bless them!) However, the business of life and the sudden need to be more private about my thoughts, etc slowed down my posting to nothingness. I've been feeling the urge to blog again, so I created this one a few months ago. I wasn't sure what I wanted this blog to be, but I knew I wanted to write. I tried to post several different times to no avail. I thought I had a severe case of writer's block. In truth, I just can't adequately express how much my life has changed, and how incredibly happy I am now. How could I ever contain in words the love I've been given, the strength I've found, and the pure joy that I'm surrounded by every day? How could I possibly say how much I appreciate every single laugh, smile, tear,  movie night, volleyball game and school play? I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it.

Three simple words come to mind: I AM BLESSED.

Through the entire time of  pondering what I should write for my first blog, I kept coming back to this idea that I am blessed. To say I am thankful is a vast understatement. So this blog will be dedicated to the idea that each and every day holds a new blessing and brings new gratitude.Yes, I'm sure that my old, non-sense posts about pop culture, reality tv and life in general will still dominate the blog space. But each day will give me an opportunity to reflect on another thing I'm thankful for. I need to acknowledge the small things as well as the big things in life. Regardless of the craziness and silliness of my life, the hectic schedule I maintain, or the trials I face, I am blessed.

It's cold outside today It's FREEZING cold outside today. There's about 6 inches of snow on the ground at my house, and many many more in much of the country today. Today, I am thankful for a home with a heater and comfy fireplace to sit beside and stay warm. I'm so grateful that I've been given a family to be snowed in with, to cook for, and to snuggle and keep each other warm on days like this. A year ago, I would've been alone in my cold duplex. Today I get the privilege of cooking them dinner, baking sweet treats for them, and making memories with them.  Even though we're stir crazy and I'm always picking up a messy house on snow days, I know that every moment together is precious, and I'm so so so grateful for it!
