Friday, June 10, 2011

Of lazy days and zero productivity

So day one of my first summer vacation in 4 years, and my house is messy. There are loads of laundry to be done,  closets to be organized, and clothes to be donated. I could work out, start one of the many many craft projects I've been meaning to start, or read a book. There are many, many things on my "todo" list. So, you may be wondering what I've chosen to do with this first day of freedom? The answer is.........

Seriously, this has been the most unproductive day I've had in a looong time. Do I feel guilty about it? Not a bit. I kind of feel like I deserve to get to relish in this for a moment, or an entire day if I want to. Actually, I have done a few things:

1. brushed my teeth
2. washed my face
3. watered my plants
4. ate lunch
5. watched RHNYC
6. tried to figure out pinterest
7.  walked the dog (to the end of the driveway so she could, you know)

See? I have been busy. Don't you feel guilty for judging me?

The other part of my day has been tweeting this video to everyone I know trying to get it some exposure. These are 4th graders at Bayyari Elementary here in Springdale. They're performing Beyonce's "Move Your Body" as part of Michelle Obama's Move It campaign. I had the opportunity to sub in their classes several times this year, and I just love these kiddos! They did such an excellent job, and they deserve some positive recognition. Please enjoy and share if you want.


See in the process of this blog, I've added 2 more things to the list:
8. Blogged
9.  Bayyari Video campaign

Maybe I'll make a real todo list for the summer while I'm sitting here. Then again, maybe not. General Hospital starts in 58 minutes.

Daily Gratitude

Today I am thankful for a day of rest. For the freedom to take a few moments day to do nothing and recoup from all the stresses and worries I've gone through. I'm very aware that there are many people who aren't afforded this simple pleasure, that there are single parents who never get a moment off, there are military spouses who are playing the roles of mom and dad for whom these times are few and far between, and there are those who have to work much more than I do just to make ends meet. There are students like me who are still working hard to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel, and many others in situations I haven't mentioned.  Although today's post has been a silly one, I'm thankful for this time, and I'm reminded of the respect I have for those who thrive in these non-stop situations.

Happy first day of summer break!

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