Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Of "see ya laters"

So this summer, we only have H every other week. I'm not gonna lie, this is a huge adjustment for all of us since we're used to her being here most of the time. Yes, I cried when she left Monday, and my house is waaaaay too quiet, (although every parent needs a break from the Disney Channel every once in a while...whew!) but we've made a conscious effort to really appreciate every second we have with her this summer, and not worry so much about the "see ya laters" that come at the end of the week. It's better that way right?

That being said, we had a fabulous week with her last week. By mid week, Jerry dubbed the house "camp Amberama" and at bedtime H was asking what was "on the agenda" for the next day. (seriously, she used those words) We had a blast last week: trips to the pool, crafts, blueberry picking, sleepovers, and lots of giggles and fun memories in between. I knew a year ago my life would change, but I never knew it could be this good. After all, I love kids, but before Jerry came along I had basically convinced myself I would be ok without ever having one. H is just another example of God knowing the true desires of my heart, and fulfilling them without my even asking. No, she's not my "biological child," but I'm certainly thankful for her all the same, and very proud to be her stepmom!

I've got lots of catching up to do on this blog... stay tuned for many many posts today!


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