Thursday, June 9, 2011

Of the finish line & those who helped me get there...

Why I ever thought I could consistently blog during my last semester of classes is beyond me. Since my last post, my life has been so overwhelmingly busy that I literally had to remind myself to breathe. Since Valentine’s Day, my courseload has multiplied and my personal obligations have grown right along with it. How I ever slept, I’ll never know. Which brings me to today….
Tonight is my last night of classes at JBU. In fact, I have a final tonight for which I should be studying. Naturally, I’m distracted. I can’t stop thinking about my journey and how incredibly grateful I am, not only to be finished but for every second of this experience. There have been many lessons to learn, many papers to write, and more sleepless nights than I can count, but through it all there is MUCH to be thankful for.
In 2006 when I decided to leave my career to be a full-time student, I had no idea what the journey would bring. I knew I was excited about the possibilities, nervous about the financial aspect, and more than a little afraid that I would fail. I didn’t have a few classes to finish, I was starting from the beginning. Again. This was a long term deal.  Yes, the hours were long, the classes were difficult, and I hated the financial anxiety that came along with it at times, but I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything in the world.  The friendships, experience, strength and determination I’ve gained in the process absolutely outweighed the temporary “road blocks” that I faced along the way. Even without the degree, it was worth it.
To my parents: Thank you for believing in me, and for supporting me through this journey even though it seemed like a crazy idea at the time. Thank you for not telling me that it would be better to stay in my comfort zone and enjoy the life that I had. Thank you for giving me the freedom to challenge myself and for reminding me to breathe. Thank you for being my strength as I rebuilt my life not once, but twice and for never giving up on me. Thank you for being my biggest cheerleaders and for the amazing examples you are.  I love you.
To My Sweet Husband: I’ve always said this, but God knew I needed you and he knew exactly when I needed you in my life. It is no coincidence that you FINALLY asked me out just before I started this program. God knew that I couldn’t have made it without you. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for making me laugh when I was stressed and for never ever doubting me. Thank you for providing a quiet place to study, and for taking on more than your share of the workload in our home when I couldn’t do it. Thank you for never once making me feel guilty about not being able to do it all. Thank you for being my helper and my best friend. Thank you for your words of support and the encouragement that you always gave me at exactly the right time.  Thank you for being my sounding board….for the countless hours of listening to me vent, worry, stress, and cry over my frustrations with the program and myself. I can never thank you enough for the blessing you are to me every day, and I’ll never be able to thank God enough for giving me the privilege of loving you.

To Halle:  Thank you for your smile and sweet hugs that made my days better. Thank you for the sacrifices you made this year, and for understanding why I couldn't be at every school play, softball game, or awards assembly. Thank you for your sweet notes of encouragement and the silliness that reminded me to laugh every once in a while. Thank you for somehow having wisdom beyond your years to know exactly what to say when I needed to hear it. I am so blessed to be your stepmom. I couldn't imagine my life without you in it! Love love love you!
To My Friends and Family: Thank you for understanding when I couldn’t be at everything. Thank you for understanding when I had to focus on myself instead of being the friend I wanted to be. Thank you for the nights of laughter and silliness that gave me the necessary break from my school stresses when I needed it most. Thank you for listening to my mind-numbing school stories and for giving me pity laughs even when they weren’t funny. Most of all, thank you for your prayers and support!
To My Cohort Family: My goodness, we’ve been through a lot: Marriages, babies, illness, personal drama, wonderful instructors, The Chronicles of Narnia, frustrating instructors, and all things catty-wompus. (for you Audrey!) It’s cliché to say it, but through 2 years of Thursday nights together, you have definitely been more like family than classmates. Thank you for being such great friends and for not laughing (much) when I had to color coordinate my manipulatives and marker choices. Most of all, thank you for making what was at times an unbearable and exhausting program a memorable and fun one because of the fabulous people I was placed with. Love you all!
Most of all thank God for giving me guts to begin this journey, and the strength to finish. Thank you for your renewal when my spirit was weak, and for your precious peace to know that I was doing the right thing. Thank you for showing me through this program and through everything that you are in control of even the smallest details, and I don’t have to fix everything. Thank you for the passion you’ve given me for children and for the desire to see even the most hopeless of them become successful. Thank you for every experience, every trial and every tear. Thank you for the benefit of reflection and the ability to see the journey and that you’ve never left me for a single step of it. Thank you for placing the perfect people in my life to support me and for the blessing of laughter and music. Thank you for doctors and modern medicine that helped me to understand myself and why I struggled for so long to be successful in my education. Most of all thank you for reminding me again and again that your plans are perfect, and that you are the provider for all of my needs, even without my help.
I’m super emotional today, and with good reason. I am blessed. This moment doesn’t quite seem real to me yet. I keep waiting for someone from JBU to email and say “oh you know that one class…well you failed it.” Or “we forgot to tell you, but you should’ve taken Botany 110 in your 1st year.” The pessimist in me says not to celebrate, but I can’t help it.  This part of the journey is over, and it was definitely worth it.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet post. CONGRATULATIONS! Celebrate celebrate celebrate!
