Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Beginning again

For years, I blogged religiously and loved it. I even had a few followers who endured my endless rants on the silliness of my life and the oddities of pop culture and reality television. (God bless them!) However, the business of life and the sudden need to be more private about my thoughts, etc slowed down my posting to nothingness. I've been feeling the urge to blog again, so I created this one a few months ago. I wasn't sure what I wanted this blog to be, but I knew I wanted to write. I tried to post several different times to no avail. I thought I had a severe case of writer's block. In truth, I just can't adequately express how much my life has changed, and how incredibly happy I am now. How could I ever contain in words the love I've been given, the strength I've found, and the pure joy that I'm surrounded by every day? How could I possibly say how much I appreciate every single laugh, smile, tear,  movie night, volleyball game and school play? I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it.

Three simple words come to mind: I AM BLESSED.

Through the entire time of  pondering what I should write for my first blog, I kept coming back to this idea that I am blessed. To say I am thankful is a vast understatement. So this blog will be dedicated to the idea that each and every day holds a new blessing and brings new gratitude.Yes, I'm sure that my old, non-sense posts about pop culture, reality tv and life in general will still dominate the blog space. But each day will give me an opportunity to reflect on another thing I'm thankful for. I need to acknowledge the small things as well as the big things in life. Regardless of the craziness and silliness of my life, the hectic schedule I maintain, or the trials I face, I am blessed.

It's cold outside today It's FREEZING cold outside today. There's about 6 inches of snow on the ground at my house, and many many more in much of the country today. Today, I am thankful for a home with a heater and comfy fireplace to sit beside and stay warm. I'm so grateful that I've been given a family to be snowed in with, to cook for, and to snuggle and keep each other warm on days like this. A year ago, I would've been alone in my cold duplex. Today I get the privilege of cooking them dinner, baking sweet treats for them, and making memories with them.  Even though we're stir crazy and I'm always picking up a messy house on snow days, I know that every moment together is precious, and I'm so so so grateful for it!



  1. I've missed your blog! Glad you see you're back! :)

  2. I'm glad you're back! Your blog was always one of my favorite ones to read. Yay!

  3. always love to read what you have to say!! please give me a duggar blog sometime...just for old time's sake...
